

All Of These Things

70″ x 70″

Along The Street

42″ x 58″

Each Morning

60″ x 60″

Hvodjra No5

50″ x 50″

Hvodjra No16

40″ x 40″

In Mind

50″ x 50″

My Eyes Returned

20″ x 36″

Never Knew

60″ x 72″

Telling Each Other

65″ x 55″

The Dreamed Of

30″ x 55″

Took Me There

70″ x 70″

Watch It Go By

70″ x 80″

Who Sometimes

40″ x 50″

With One Difference

20″ x 36″

All Its Moments

55’’ x 65’’

All of Itself

50’’ x 50’’

A Long Time Ago

60’’ x 72’’

Asked Myself

55’’ x 65’’

At Once

50’’ x 50’’

Between The Changes

40’’ x 50’’

Clyde House no89

50’’ x 60’’

Come Right Back

70’’ x 70’’

Day Of My Return

50’’ x 50’’

Denouement no10

24’’ x 24’’

Denouement No12

24’’ x 24’’

Denouement No39

20’’ x 20’’

Denouement No53

28’’ x 22’’

Distance Out of Reach

60’’ x 80’’

Does Not Yet Know

60’’ x 60’’

Don’t Let That Go

60’’ x 60’’

Easy To Find

30’’ x 30’’

Facing Each Other

50’’ x 50’’

For Ten Years

50’’ x 80’’

Happened To Find

60’’ x 60’’

Has Lived There

50’’ x 50’’

Hvodjra no9

60’’ x 60’’

Hvodjra No14

77’’ x 62’’

Hvodjra No15

42’’ x 58’’

Hvodjra No22

77’’ x 62’’

Intended To Visit

40’’ x 50’’

Inside of Mine

50’’ x 80’’

I Remember When

70’’ x 70’’

Kairoi No41

30’’ x 30’’

Kairoi No43

60’’ x 50’’

Left There

30’’ x 30’’

On The Shore

30’’ x 30’’

Other Reflected In

30’’ x 30’’

Ouvert No19

50’’ x 50’’

Ouvert No33

30’’ x 30’’

Ouvert No34

62’’ x 77’’

Ouvert No39

44’’ x 40’’

Ouvert No60

65’’ x 55’’

Ouvert No63

58’’ x 54’’

Ouvert No65

55’’ x 65’’

Only So Long

70’’ x 80’’

Reaching Me (From Far Away)

55’’ x 65’’


50’’ x 50’’

The Remote Past

55’’ x 65’’

Think They Were

60’’ x 60’’

Three Days

40’’ x 40’’

Time Gone Away

84’’ x 84’’

Too Far Beyond

40’’ x 40’’

Were Not Always

55’’ x 65’’

What Has Become

60’’ x 72’’

What You Would Find

74’’ x 96’’


The work of painter Scott Pattinson (b. 1974, Toronto) may be seen in the context of an early 21st century resurgence of formalism unburdened by the meta-narratives of modern abstraction. Pattinson’s thematically organized oil paintings are micro-narratives of collective experience articulated through colour, texture and an exacting spatial sensibility.

Pattinson studied architecture and urban design at the University of Toronto and completed a BES in Urban Design from the University of Waterloo. Since 2005, he has exhibited in numerous group and solo shows in galleries across Canada, including a 2014 retrospective at Gallery Stratford. His work is held at Gallery Stratford as well as in numerous corporate and private collections in Canada, Dubai, Italy, France and the US.

Download the artist biography