



7’’ x 7 3/8’’ x 2 1/4’’, Ed. 50
84 5/8’’ x 85 3/8’’ x 26 3/4’’, Ed. 9

Dancing Ladies

5 1/4’’ x 8’’ x 7’’, Ed. 25
74 3/4’’ x 90 1/2’’ x 90 1/2’’, Ed. 9

Dancing Ladies II

15 1/4’’ x 19 5/8’’ x 19 5/8’’, Ed. 9
89 3/4’’ x 116 1/2’’ x 93 1/4’’, Ed. 9

Dogman Torso

25’’ x 12’’ x 24’’


3 1/4’’ x 1 1/8’’ x 4 1/4’’, Ed. 100
11 3/4’’ x 15 5/8’’ x 3 1/8’’, Ed. 9

Girl Hugging Dog

23 1/8’’ x 25 1/8’’ x 6 1/4’’, Ed. 9

Girl with Knees Up

2 3/8’’ 1 5/8’’ x 1, Ed. 100
17 3/4’’ x 7 1/2’’ x 11 4/5’’, Ed. 9
69 1/4’’ x 55’’ x 32 5/8’’, Ed. 9
240’’ x 114 1/8’’ x 185 3/8’’, Ed. 9


5 7/8’’ x 2 1/2’’ x 1 3/4’’, Ed. 75
30 5/8’’ x 12 1/2’’ x 8 5/8’’, Ed. 9
93 5/8’’ x 32 1/4’’ x 23 1/2’’, Ed. 9


47 1/8’’ x 23 1/2’’ x 3/4’’

Hugging Lovers on Top

11 4/5’’ x 4 3/10’’ x 3 9/10’’, Ed. 12

Kneeling Minotaur and Ladyhare

9 3/10’’ x 8 9/10’’ x 6 3/10’’, Ed. 12

Kneeling Mother and Baby

9 2/5’’ x 5 1/2’’ x 5 1/2’’, Ed. 12
46 1/2’’ x 24’’ x 26 8/10’’, Ed. 9

Lady Hare and Boar on a Barrel

22’’ x 14’’ x 9 4/5’’, Ed. 9
90’’ x 56’’ x 37’’, Ed. 9

Lady Hares in a Forest

22 1/2’’ x 22 1/2’’ x 25’’, Ed. 9

Lady Hare in a Mirror

27’’ x 10’’ x 10’’, Ed. 9

Lady Hare on Dog

57’’ x 66’’, Ed. 9

Lady Hare with Dog II

28’’ , Ed. 9
85 3/8’’ x 30 5/8’’ x 39 1/4’’, Ed. 9

Lady Hare with Dog III

11 1/2’’ x 5 1/2’’ x 3 5/8’’, Ed. 12
27 1/2’’ x 13 3/4’’ x 12 1/2’’, Ed. 9

Lovers on Horseback

23 1/8’’ x 23 1/8’’ x 8 1/4’’, Ed. 9
80 5/8’’ x 83 3/4’’ x 35’’, Ed. 9

Me and My 5 Babies

12 1/8’’ x 15 5/8’’ x 4 5/8’’, Ed. 12

Minotaur, Dog and Tree

35’’ x 34’’ x 24’’, Ed. 9

Minotaur, Dog and Tree

120’’ x 87’’ x 48’’

Minotaur and Boar on a Barrel

23 6/10’’ x 9’’ x 11 4/5’’, Ed. 9
82 5/8’’ x 37 3/8’’ x 27 1/2’’, Ed. 9


20 3/8’’ x 24 3/4’’ x 8 1/4’’, Ed. 9
83 3/4’’ x 92 1/2’’ x 31 3/8’’, Ed. 9

Pink Lady Hare Dancing with Big Brown Dog

14 3/4’’ x 16 1/4’’ x 4 3/8’’, Ed. 12
30 1/2’’ , Ed. 9
87’’ x 108’’ x 41’’, Ed. 9

Reclining Dog

5 1/4’’ x 11’’ x 3 5/8’’, Ed. 9

Reclining Mother and Baby

15 7/10’’ x 33 1/10’’ x 15 2/5’’, Ed. 9
47 1/5’’ x 98 2/5’’ x 46 1/10’’, Ed. 9

Reclining Horse with Girl

11 1/5’’ x 14 3/5’’ x 10 3/5’’, Ed. 9


53 1/2’’ x 40 9/10’’ x 72 4/5’’, Ed. 9
18 1/10’’ x 25 1/5’’ x 12 3/5’’, Ed. 9
7 3/10’’ x 8 1/2’’ x 1’’, Ed. 12

Rolling Horse

3 1/10’’ x 5 9/10’’ x 2 4/5’’, Ed. 50


3 7/8’’ x 3 1/4’’ x 3 1/4’’, Ed. 50
11 3/4’’ x 5 7/8’’ x 7 3/4’’, Ed. 9
50 3/4’’ x 41 5/8’’ x 45 5/8’’, Ed. 9

Sitting Horse, Miniature

4 1/8’’ x 3 3/4’’ x 1 1/2’’, Ed. 100

Sitting Minotaur with Little Lady

23 1/2’’ x 18’’ x 18’’, Ed. 9

Standing Lovers on Horseback with Dog

28 1/4’’ x 22 3/4’’ x 6 1/4’’, Ed. 9

The Minotaur and The Hare on a Bench

4 1/2’’ x 3 1/8’’ x 2 3/4’’, Ed. 50
18 1/2’’ x 12 1/2’’ x 9’’, Ed. 9
114’’ x 79 3/4’’ x 57’’, Ed. 9

Torso With Hands

8 3/10’’ x 9 3/10’’ x 3 9/10’’, Ed. 12

Lady Hare Holding Dog

45’’, Ed. 9


Conversation on a Horse

42’’ x 30’’


13 1/2’’ x 7 1/2’’

Lady Hares in a Forest

28’’ x 29’’

Lady Hares in a Forest

20 1/2’’ x 17 1/2’’, Ed. 50

Lady Hare with Trees

12’’ x 12’’, Ed. 50

Minotaur, Dog and Tree

101’’ x 101’’

Minotaur and Lady Hare in a Forest

72’’ x 96’’

Minotaur Head

13’’ x 13’’, Ed. 50

Minotaur in a Mirror

53’’ x 41’’

Minotaur with Hare

11 1/2’’ x 11 1/2’’, Ed. 50

Paint Pots III

36’’ x 48’’

Pink Lady Hare Dancing with Big Brown Dog

36’’ x 36’’

Seated Minotaur and Lady Hare

47’’ x 35’’

Standing Lady Hare with Dog

66’’ x 66’’

Standing Minotaur

23’’ x 19’’

Standing Minotaur and Hare Diptych

14’’ x 16’’

The Minotaur and the Hare (boxed edition)

9’’ x 10’’, Ed. 300


Sophie Ryder est née à Londres en 1963 et vit dans la campagne du Gloucestershire, avec sa famille. Elle étudia les arts plastiques à l’école de l’Académie Royale de Londres et, bien que très talentueuse en peinture, elle fut encouragée par ses professeurs à poursuivre sa carrière en sculpture. Elle présenta ses œuvres à la Foire d’Art de Zurich en 1986 où elle obtint un succès immédiat. Son vocabulaire sculptural, inspiré par Goya, Picasso et Henry Moore, se compose essentiellement de figures animales qu’elle produit en différents formats, de la petite figurine au bronze monumental, toujours composées de manière inspirée, libre et fluide.

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