

Falderals I

26’’ x 30’’

Falderals II

26’’ x 30’’

Falderals III

26’’ x 30’’

Fretchety I

48’’ x 53 7/8’’

Hazen II

55’’ x 71’’

Mydens and Mawn

25 3/4’’ x 29 3/4’’

The Thesmophoria, the Ravishment of Oreithyia

75’’ x 94’’


55’’ x 71’’

Zart and Vair

54’’ x 48’’


Simon Casson’s paintings are singular statements of pure uniqueness. Their contemporary abstraction inflicts its imprint upon the often capriccio paintings, through predatory slabs of textural pigment. Casson playfully combines pre-existing elements from the entire oeuvre of visual art to discover an unprecedented form of History Painting. Decollage and calligraphic mark-making marry to form a fall of drapery, whilst an iconic centralized classical form fights for supremacy with a cold formalized, almost emotionally bereft still life. The paintings are a potent mix of carnal, primitive paint application, reminiscent of a De Kooning, stirred together on the canvas with the academic technical skill of a Titian.

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